Becky Weaver

Y Personal Trainer

Inquire About Personal Training

Philosophy: I am passionate about teaching nutrition, exercise & lifestyle habits to optimize weight control and prevent disease as we age.

Specialties: Functional Training, Circuit Weight Training, Kettlebell Training, TRX Training, Health/Lifestyle Coaching

Certifications: ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE High-Intensity Kettlebell Certification, ACE Health Coach Certification, AFPA Holistic Nutrition Certification, ACSM Exercise Management for Chronic Disease and Disabilities (partial list)


Denise Wells

Denise Pasadena Personal TrainerInquire About Personal Training

Philosophy: My professional goal is to help others enjoy a more active, healthy & pain-free lifestyle so they can enjoy a better quality of life.

Specialties: Aquatics Pre/Post Continuum of Care, Arthritis & Senior Fitness, Swimming for Health & Fitness, Weight Loss

Certifications: Certified Aquatic & Personal Trainer, Certified Arthritis Instructor, AEA, Water Art, AAi/ISMAV, AFAP, ATRIC

Collin Kennedy


Inquire About Personal Training

Philosophy: Be the best you can be and have fun! Exercise can put you into a flow state and through movement you can enhance your mind, body, and soul!

Specialties: Functional Movement, Strength, and Mobility.

Certifications: American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer Certification


Gabrielle Collins

GC Personal Trainer

Inquire about Personal Training

Philosophy: The mind and body are intertwined. How you eat, move, and think greatly impacts your health. Finding a plan that you enjoy ensures the long-term success of a healthy mind and body.

Specialties: Strength and Conditioning, Sports Performance, Stretching and Flexibility.

Certifications: ISSA-Certified Personal Trainer


Zak Hardin

Zak H.

Inquire About Personal Training

Philosophy:  No two people are exactly the same, that's why it is so important to focus on what works for you and makes you happiest.

Specialties: General Health and Strength Training

Certifications: NCSF Certified Personal Trainer



Spencer Shwetz

Spencer S.

Inquire About Personal Training

Philosophy: Prioritize your fitness over the temptation to lounge on the couch. Remember, it’s either one day or day one; the hardest part is simply showing up.

Specialties: Bodybuilding, Nutrition, Plyometrics, and Calisthenics

Certifications: ISSA-Certified Personal Trainer, ISSA Bodybuilding Specialist