Monday Mission Update: Blue Ridge Leaders' School

June 24, 2019

“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult.”

This quote from Warren Bennis, a widely respected pioneer in the field of leadership studies, recognizes that becoming a leader is not something that's bestowed upon you or simply a matter of talent and instinct, it is the product of a careful process of self-discovery and learning which takes work and practice just like any other highly developed skill.

It is with this in mind that I am so thrilled that we've gone all in on Leaders Clubs which now operate in all 11 of our full service Ys across the region. Leaders Clubs mobilize teens to do community service and organize around the twin principles that the best reward comes from giving back and that everyone has something valuable to give. This is at the heart of the mission of the Y Blue Ridge Leaders' School (BRLS), a week-long program in which over 800 teens from more than 10 states gather to enhance their physical fitness, spirituality, character and leadership development. Since 1921, BRLS has been a premier retreat for tomorrow's leaders.

I'm delighted to share that last week 15 young men and women from our Leaders Clubs at the Catonsville, Dancel, Orokawa and Ward Ys took the journey to Black Mountain, North Carolina to attend the 2019 Blue Ridge Leaders' School. The video linked here does a wonderful job of describing the full impact of this special program. Take a look:

leaders club blue ridge leaders' school

Many thanks to four Y advisors who attended, Mary Grace Gonzalez, Marc Perry, Camden LaMarsh and Ryan Novo, not only for attending but for all you and your colleagues do to help the young people who walk through our doors discover and become their best selves.

All the best,


John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland