
Yvonne Branch, a lifeguard at the Hill Y in Westminster, is a terrific example of what it looks like when someone literally embodies the Y’s mission. In collaboration with members, Yvonne launched the Y Swim Challenge to help fund Y swim lessons and swim team participation for those who need financial support.

Yvonne's recent update email speaks for itself:

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who came out to swim this morning! And thank you so much to everyone who supported us from behind the scenes, the front desk, the lifeguards, and all the other people who worked on making this event successful!

There was a little bit of swimming happening today!   In total, we swam 91,925 yards, equivalent to 52.23 miles!  We had 19 swimmers participating. Seven people swam solo and 12 people swam as part of four teams. That is more than double the number of swimmers that participated last year.

We had a lot of people do things they'd never done before: the first time they ever swam a full mile without stopping; the first time they swam a full hour; a full two hours; three hours; four hours; and the most yards they've ever swum.

Five swimmers returned from last year to participate in their second consecutive Swim Challenge. I'll see you guys again next year!

At least one relay swimmer vowed to do the full four hour swim next year, and I dare say we might be able to convince at least one of this year's lifeguards to participate in next year’s swimming event. Anna guarded our event last year, and took the morning off guarding today to jump into the full four hour swim this year. Let's keep that tradition going strong!

I am not certain how much money was raised last year, but by the time we closed the donations page a few weeks after the Challenge it was in the vicinity of $2,500. Right now you all have already raised $2,518, which just makes me a little giddy. Please keep sharing the link for the donations page when you can. I know we can hit that $3,500 goal: fundraise.ymaryland.org/HillYSwimChallenge22

Please share your thoughts with me about how the event went for you. Your feedback helps me make adjustments so things are even better next year.

Thank you everyone. And I'll see you in the pool!

Yvonne Branch

Monday Mission Update Swim Collage

Needless to say, Yvonne's compassion, energy and initiative just come shining through in her words and deeds. In addition to the vitally needed funds raised, it's also the community building reflected in this effort that impresses me so much.

This story goes right to the heart of what the Y is all about: generosity, care and concern for one’s community; tightening the bonds of fellowship; and health in all its many forms. Well done, Yvonne and your 19 compatriots!

I’ll give the Hill Y’s Executive Director Mike Walters the last word on this: "Yvonne is an absolute Rock Star!"

All the best,

John Hoey Signature
John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland